Royales have been selected for temperament first and foremost. Our goal is to produce dogs that are highly connected companion animals. The kind of dog that wants to be with their people and is attuned to their person’s needs. Essentially a service animal or a therapy pet. One that is calm and quiet when it should be, and fun and energetic when it is appropriate as well.

When people meet us, or visit our kennel, they are stunned to see how quiet our pups are. Sure they bark sometimes, but generally, they have a quiet bark and do not bark to excess when they do bark. They are well behaved, outgoing, and so happy to meet people. They just adore people. Our dogs get along great with other dogs, they play well, communicate well, and have the stamina to play.
Why a Mix?
How we do it

Ben Keryakes
Cattery Assistant
Ben is the go-to guy for the day to day workings of the cattery, specializing in kitten socialization.